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After an incredibly long separation of at least 2-3 minutes, Roscoe wants the Hu-Dad to know, “I missed you.”

True confession time. Roscoe is a daddy’s boy. He loves, loves, loves his Hu-Dad (almost as much as his bestest brother ever, Typhoon) and never wants to be separated. Even as this is being typed, he’s curled up at Hu-Dad’s feet. Actually, on Hu-Dad’s feet. You know, in case he moves and tries to leave the room without the appropriate canine escort.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
There’s nothing like the unconditional love of a pet.
Huskies can be so comical. Even Ruby, who hates being touched, still wants me in view.
Typhoon so agrees with “in view.” He insists on being in the same room or at least the line-of-sight, but never touching. If Hu-Dad moves from one side of the room to another, say his reading chair, Typhoon will grumble and move to the opposite side of the room. It’s amusing.
You are a lucky Hu-dad!
AAAWWW Hu-Dad-that is such a sweet story!!! I can see the look on Roscoe’s face that says “WHERE were you HU-Dad-you were gone such a LONG time”?
I love that he lays on your feet so you cannot go anywhere!!