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What do you get if Roscoe and Typhoon are playing in the rain rather than coming inside? Wet trouble brothers, of course.
Our rainy weather continued into yesterday and a certain pair of mischief makers decided being outside was more entertaining than being inside. Yes, Typhoon and Roscoe make for a pair of wet trouble brothers.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Hahahaha, darn spell check… Nor ‘ EASTER!!!
( We’re in New England )
Cold+ wet here today( Nor’wester brought cold rain+ heavy wet snow)- gave me a chance to try new fjord raincoat on my Husky girl! It’s from Nonstop dogwear, and supposed to be waterproof( yet, it’s extremely light weight!)…it worked beautifully!
We walked 1+1/2 miles in rain and snow + she was drier than I was when we got back.
Boom Boom does not understand the purpose is remaining dry.
Oh what fun… Towel drying The Little Prince!!
Roscoe is all “oh, cool, playing with the towel. Okay.”
Typhoon is “Ack. Get that evil thing away. It’s touching me. It’s touching me.”
I can hear the song of their people !!
Hu-Dad-don’t you LOVE the smell of WET DOG-lol???? I hope the weather is better today but for us still raining-at least this morning!