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We celebrate the momentous day when Boom Boom came bouncing into Chez Herd with Landon’s Sixth Herdaversary!
Six years ago today, we drove to Southern Siberian Rescue and adopted the one and only Landon. He had some mighty paws to fill since we had recently lost the incredible Queen Natasha the Evil. He settled in quickly and showed us he was here to have fun.
We did make many quick discoveries about the newest member of The Herd. For one, he was a talker. Nonstop barrage of noises that express a whole range of emotions. And, yes, he still loves to show off his motor mouth skills.
He learned how to ride nicely with everyone else and go on great adventures. Though, we should point out that he continued yammering away about all of the adventures.
He quickly figured out that the best seat when we go camping is Hu-Dad’s chair, if only he could get it to quit rocking long enough to climb into.
Don’t worry, he finally figured it out. And told us all about how he got up there and sat there and look at that view and…
One other little detail we learned about Landon. While he was in rescue, he spent time in prison. No, really. He went through one of those programs where the inmates train a dog as part of their rehabilitation. Landon learned the prettiest sit while there, which he utilizes to this day when he wants something, regardless of whether you ask him to sit or not.
The other skill he has he may or may not have learned from that prisoner. He is the most amazing Houdini. He has escaped from locked crates more times than we can count. He got caught one day sliding his little Gumby body through the tray slot of his crate. Seriously.
Today, his crate has an added wooden floor, all the corners are ziptied shut, and the double door lock is enhanced with carabineers.
The legendary story is the day he escaped from his crate while the humans were gone, stole a bag of Halloween candy, and hid pieces of candy throughout the house. Under pillows and couch cushions, in drawers, under chairs, and on and on. If you want to read that story, here it is.
The nickname Boom Boom came from his other talent—the boy can fly. His philosophy is why walk when you can spread your winds and soar through the air.
The only bad part is landing can be a challenge which results in collisions with household objects, other canines, and humans. The Boom Boom is the sound we hear throughout the house.
So, we want to wish our bouncy Boom Boom a happy Sixth Herdaversary. You make us laugh every day and we will still love to see you take flight.
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Happy 6th Herdaversary Landon aka Boom Boom aka Houdini aka Flight Master … Your energetic happiness is so contagious and can turn any bad day into a good one. I have come to the conclusion that air time flight is assisted by the fluffy tail. I end bad days with pictures that Hu-Dad shares of you and the herd with the world! xoxo
Happy herdaversary, Boom Boom! You just make me smile.
Boom Boom you are the best! Happy Herdaversary!
Boom never stop booming ! You make the world ? ???
Love the evocative descriptions sharing and reminding us of Landon’s beautiful spirit. So glad you have each other! Happy Herdiversary!
Blue eyes and bountiful tail. Such a sweet ray of sunshine. Happy Herdversary!
It’s so funny how he turned into an escape artist after doing time. (I wonder if he was as talkative in the prison.)
Six years, wow! He is such a pretty boy, so funny!!! Sparky is a huge talker too, my first like this. I thought I wanted a talkative husky… Sometimes I truly miss how quiet Maddox was!
Happy Herdaversary Day. You are one beautiful boy.
Happy Herdaversy Boom Boom! You have quite a presence.
Happy Herdaversary Boom Boom ❤️?❤️. I have loved seeing all your antics over these past 7 years. Will be watching for many more.
Happy “Gotcha” Day to you all. Landon is one lucky fellow to end up with you and the Herd.
Landon is such a gorgeous, fluffy boy! Such funny stories to share;) And imagine the delight he brought to that prison+ the inmate that bonded with him.
He sure has brought lots of fun+ pizzazz to the Thundering Herd- flying around with that beautiful fluffy tail like the “feather in his cap!” I loved the image of his “little Gumby body” squeezing out from tiny spaces, hahaha. Also- the image of him “finding” the trick ‘er treat candy+ hiding it all over the house? Thanks for sharing ♥️
Happy 6YJ Herdaversary Boom Boom. I just LOVED his story from 2016 and his adventure escaping his crate-leaving his break a way collar behind and on and on! I wish I could hear him talk because I love the language of their people. The WOOS make me smile.
Have a wonderful Day Landon with your brothers!!!
Happy Herdaversary Boom Boom