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For some odd reason we don’t understand, Hu-Dad doesn’t simply believe he can trust these faces when they promise to behave.
When the landscapers installed our sod in the backyard, they suggested that we should let it take root over three weeks before allowing full-scale Siberian games to commence. To enforce such silliness, Hu-Dad has us on leashes in our own backyard. Last night, Roscoe and Typhoon said they absolutely, positively promised to walk gently if only the leashes were unhooked. Wouldn’t you trust these faces?
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
two more Innocent faces I’ve never seen. LOL!
The wheels are turning. 😀
Roscoe looks like he’s promising to behave. Typhoon looks more like he made you “an offer you can’t refuse”
Faces of ANGELS would never think of playing Husky games!!
Sorry boys-I have to side with Hu-Dad on this issue. Although your faces are VERY sweet and innocent looking-I know what would happen without you guys being on a leash!