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Landon’s discovery of a pile of Lego in our backyard has led to his dream of building Fort Boom Boom, a perfect hideout from his brothers.
Landon has discovered the coolest pile of Lego and is making plans. Hu-Dad claims that concrete pad is for an outdoor fireplace, but we Siberian Huskies don’t need heat interfering with our cold weather. Instead, though, he could build Fort Boom Boom and hide from his brothers when they’ve had enough of his bounciness.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
every now and then when he quietly stares from a distance like that ….
I get shivers down my spine! as if he’s channeling his ancient wolf ancestors!
and then I’m relieved to realize…. he’s just Sweet Prince Boom Boom making plans!
LOLOL! xoxo
All dogs need a clubhouse to call their own!!
Landon-what a great idea although Hu-Dad doesn’t agree. HHMM-the outdoor fireplace OR Fort Boom-Boom??? It kind of reminds me of the picnic table from the other house which served a s a basement hideout for some of the previous Herd!