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The slow tail drop is a sure sign the prey—whether squirrel, rabbit, or brother—has been spotted and aligned in the target sight.
A Siberian Husky normally holds his tail high, but a notable exception is when a target has been spotted. The prey—which could be a tasty squirrel or rabbit—is lined up in the sight. The tail drop happens just before the pounce. In this case, the subject happened to be his big brother who mistakenly had turned his back on the big guy. A rowdy game commenced.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Hu-Dad-Without telling TALES(TAILS) out of school-lol. I was just starting to read your new book and lo and behold-the dog in the story and the TREE RATS. Borrowed a little bit from the herd??? That’s all I will write-I promise! My eyes have been giving me issues and I can’t read as much as and as long as I used to BUT so hard to put the book down!
We are Hu-Dad’s inspiration (at least he says we make him do stuff), so we might have helped him a little with the story. Our idea was to make the tree rats the bad guys, but he didn’t do that. Sigh.
Our 2 Husky “Goofballs” must have prey in line of sight constantly or just lazy since they normally have their tails down until getting ready for a walk or excursion. Yes they continue to show us how to live outside the curve.
Roscoe is a beauty! Tell me about your fence? What are the parallel black piping for? Have You seen the graphic novel, Sled dogs with Issues? My daughter sent it to me years ago. Cute and funny, I bet you could do one better!
The fence company uses a welded metal frame as the basis for the wood gate. That keeps the gate from warping and sagging as wood fences are prone to do.
And, nope, haven’t seen the book, but we’ll look at it. I’ve long thought of putting out a book of Herd stories over the years, but just haven’t taken the time.