Planning A Climbing Trip

Hu-Dad wondered what was taking Roscoe so long to come inside last night and found him planning a climbing trip. Guess why.

Roscoe planning a climbing trip
If I take that branch and then that branch and…

The rest of us had come inside for the evening, but Roscoe wanted to stay outside. Hu-Dad asked him why he was taking so long. The look says it all—Roscoe was planning a climbing trip. Not a mountain, of course, or a rock cliff. No, Roscoe has tired of the nattering tree rats and has decided he wants to go catch a noisy squirrel. Treats may have been involved to convince him to come inside instead.


  1. Juno's mom on October 19, 2021 at 12:50 pm

    I can see the wheels turning. 😉

  2. HokiePack on October 19, 2021 at 11:49 am

    Tree rats better be careful! Roscoe looks serious ?. Got my ebook! I cannot wait to read it !

  3. Jean Burkhardt on October 19, 2021 at 7:31 am

    OH boy Roscoe P-CLIMBING a tree wouldn’t be the BEST idea!! Glad the HU-Dad broke out the treats!!

    HU-Dad(AKA DK Wall) -wishing you a great success with the new novel!!!

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