Why Are We Wet?

The Little Prince had only one question for the Hu-Dad during yesterday’s walk—why are we wet?

why are we wet?

59We barely had a morning walk yesterday before the rains came and the weather didn’t break until late afternoon. When Hu-Dad finally declared the downpour had stopped and it was safe to walk, we struck out on the trail. As things happen, the weather didn’t quite hold off as long as predicted. The Little Prince, who believes all things should work to his pleasure, had one question for the Hu-Dad—Why are we wet?


  1. tammyj on April 25, 2021 at 1:55 pm

    oh that sweet questioning face! hope you’re nice and dry now Little Prince.
    and all in your highness’s world is as it should be. xoxo

  2. Debbie and Ruby on April 25, 2021 at 10:48 am

    I imagine the Little Prince is not a big fan of being towel dried!! A towel can be as bad as a brush to some of our friends!

  3. Jean Burkhardt on April 25, 2021 at 7:33 am

    Prince Typhoon-sometimes we humans can’t always predict the weather and your walk was interrupted by that VERY wet rain! I hope you are all fluffy and dry now-poor boy!

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