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The Little Prince is quite happy to be in the midst of vacation chaos with his brothers (though the humans groan).
Family vacation can be quite the organizational chore, particularly for a large number of siblings. Of course, being in the midst of that vacation chaos can be a total blast. Even the Little Prince seems to be having tons of fun surrounded by his brothers.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
Look at that SMILE ??????
Do I see 5 dogs there?? Does the Little Prince have more subjects to be royal with?
Oh, no! Did one slip in on the Hu-Dad?
No, he would like to confirm we are absolutely still four us.
That does look like a smile on his face – could Roscoe be softening up Typhoon? Great photo!
I have to agree it does look like a smile on the Little Prince’s face. Oh happy days!!
It’s almost like he is saying look at me!! Is the Prince becoming a HAM???
I THINK I see a SMILE on the Little Prince’s face-could it be??? I have to give you kuddo’s Hu-Dad for doing a vacation with FOUR DOGGIE SIBLINGS!!!