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Yes, Typhoon is the old man who would yell at kids playing, “Get off my lawn!”
Poor Typhoon. He wants his world to operate in exactly his way without any outside interference. When he saw kids playing next door, he wanted to yell, “Get off my lawn.” Then Hu-Dad pointed out they were in their own yard and had every right to play there. Typhoon does not seem convinced. (P.S.—No barking was involved, just much staring.)
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
He even has the ‘old man’ stance and the stare down. lol
You are a good watch dog (quiet) Typhoon, better than being a guard dog (noisy). Keep on watching..
Sweet Ty!
Poor Typhoon-dogs seem to think whatever they can see is THEIR property. Our boy is the same way-He looks at me the same way-like” WHAT are they doing on OUR property?”! Good boy Little Prince-at least you didn’t bark-unlike ours who shall remain nameless.!!