Posing For Christmas Photos

All we asked Landon to do was sit still while he was posing for Christmas Photos. Unfortunately, sitting still is not one of his skills.

Hu-Dad thinks some things should be easy when we all know they aren’t. For example, he needed a photo of one of us with some Christmas decorations for his Monday Musing over at his (less popular) website. Landon volunteered. All Boom Boom needed to do was sit still so Hu-Dad could capture a focused image. Unfortunately, sitting still is not one of Landon’s better skills. So we give you a slightly unfocused photo of Landon with one of our Christmas trees.

Oh, and go visit Hu-Dad’s Monday Musing story. It makes him feel good.

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  1. JoCindy on November 30, 2020 at 9:32 am

    Any photo of Boom Boom is welcome! Always a spirit lifter!!

  2. Jean Burkhardt on November 30, 2020 at 8:26 am

    I too visited your Monday Musings and loved it. I just LOVE the photo of Landon with the Christmas Tree-unfocused or not! Sitting still is NOT something a Sibe likes tto do.

  3. tammy j on November 30, 2020 at 8:10 am

    LOL! it made me feel good too Hu Dad. I love when you share your life. and much as it’s nice to have bears and bobcats for neighbors… I’m glad you’re back in a human neighborhood! beautiful decor btw whether Boom Boom smiles or not! xo

    • Laura Yager on November 30, 2020 at 11:37 am

      Any photo of the Boomster that’s not blurred is a plus…I’m sure you know that as a fellow human owned by Huskies! Still…handsome photo Landon! HuDad has some major skills to capture you!

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