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During our morning turnout, the Little Prince again bucked the human requests in his usual fashion as a royal snob.
The sun was rising, the other dogs were racing down the steps, and His Highness stood firm. No, he didn’t think he should do what the rest of the dogs were doing and he certainly didn’t think he had to do what the human told him. Any attempt of eye contact was met with a nose stuck high in the air.
After some discussions (and negotiations), the Little Prince pranced down the steps and into the yard. His Press Secretary handled all further questions.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
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The Little prince is a cutie. He thinks he is the boss sounds like my dog most days
LOL! a wonderful start to this Monday morning.
the mystery of royalty is still safe and unquestioned by us mere mortals.
Started my Monday off with a laugh! That nose high in the air was TOO funny but I guess we have to go by what the Little Prince decides as well as his Press Secretary!!
Good choice on the press secretary.
Roscoe makes a great press secretary ??