Big Brother Suggestions

Landon had a great idea for a game. Frankie had a better idea. That’s the way big brother suggestions happen.

Hey, Big Bro, how about a rousing game of pounce on your older sibling?
Hey, Big Bro, how about a rousing game of pounce on your older sibling?

Landon is the ever-hopeful, bouncy little brother who is sure his current idea is the best idea ever. Unfortunately, he doesn’t consider history and reality often, so can be met with a wee bit of resistance from his siblings.

Hey, Little Bro, how about we play older sibling teaches younger sibling a lesson?
Hey, Little Bro, how about we play older sibling teaches younger sibling a lesson?

The good news for Landon is his cheerful attitude carries over even when he doesn’t get his way.

How about last one up the steps loses?
How about we go eat breakfast?
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  1. Jean Burkhardt on August 26, 2020 at 7:43 am

    So glad Frankie and Landon settled their differences and Landon remained cheerful! I hope they enjoyed their breakfast!

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