Not So Patiently Waiting

For some reason we don’t understand, sometimes Hu-Dad leaves us in his study patiently waiting for his return.

Hey, Hu-Dad, you forgot to take us with you.
Hey, Hu-Dad, you forgot to take us with you.

We have a shocking fact to share today. Did you know that sometimes when Hu-Dad takes a break from his busyness, he leaves us in his study? He’s going to the kitchen for a snack and we like going to the kitchen and we love snacks, so we don’t understand the problem. Guess that leaves us patiently waiting for his return.

Or maybe that's not-so-patiently waiting.
Or maybe that’s not-so-patiently waiting.

Don’t worry, though, he returned and we were able to pick up right from where we left off. We don’t know why he said it was hard to concentrate before, so hopefully he is focused now that he is back at his desk.

A little entertainment for Hu-Dad while he concentrates on his busyness.
A little entertainment for Hu-Dad while he concentrates on his busyness.


  1. Susan on August 25, 2020 at 10:03 pm

    Typhoon looks like he’s planning his revenge!

  2. Jean Burkhardt on August 25, 2020 at 8:14 am

    I guess the sibes will never understand us human-right Hu-Dad? Whatever you left to do will be forever a mystery to them!! BUT they are glad you are back to your busyness-lol

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