Reputation Redemption

Lots of comments flowed after yesterday’s post questioning our Siberian Husky heritage, so today we embark on reputation redemption.

Typhoon lecturing his younger brother about Siberian Husky rules
Typhoon lecturing his younger brother about Siberian Husky rules

Roscoe would like to apologize for yesterday’s post. His behavior was absolutely not within the Siberian Husky Code of Ethics and could result in a sanction from the Siberian Husky Union. How dare he act all calm and well-behaved. We have a bad reputation to maintain.

How about we start with ear chewing?
How about we start with ear chewing?

Rather than showing peaceful scenes from our deck, we thought we would concentrate today on how we really behave. Hu-Dad is trying to read a book, so we should make some noise.

I chew your neck. You chew my neck.
I chew your neck. You chew my neck.

Notice that we have an entire deck to play, but insist that all wrestling matches occur as close to Hu-Dad as possible. That way, we can sometimes “involve” him with an errant nip of his toes. Hey, it’s his fault he doesn’t wear full protective gear.

Typhoon goes for the leg snap, but Roscoe retracts his wing just in time.
Typhoon goes for the leg snap, but Roscoe retracts his wing just in time.

Hu-Dad says this is the last photo. He has to protect his book, his camera, his drink, and, most importantly, his toes.

How's that reputation redemption going now?
How’s that reputation redemption going now?


  1. Susan on August 12, 2020 at 10:13 pm

    That’s it Roscoe! Can’t let down “the side”!

    Seriously, I didn’t know a dog’s leg could bend like that.

    • The Thundering Herd on August 13, 2020 at 8:25 am

      When you are avoiding a Little Prince snap, you can become very bendy.

  2. Jean Burkhardt on August 12, 2020 at 8:21 am

    LOVE those shots Hu-Dad and glad your toes etc are safe. Those two boys I could watch all day-I don’t know how you get any work done-lol I’m glad you do though because we love your posts-your book etc!

  3. tammy j on August 12, 2020 at 6:26 am

    reputation redemption spotless! LOLOL!
    Hu Dad you are just a big hairless sibe in some eyes. 😀 xo

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