Ruining Typhoon’s Reputation

A captured photo of a helpful Little Prince is getting the Hu-Dad accused of ruining Typhoon’s reputation as a total curmudgeon.

You aren't really going to show that photo, are you?
You aren’t really going to show that photo, are you?

The Little Prince has worked hard to build an image as Mr. Grumbly Pants, never willing to be helpful or compliant. But Hu-Dad captured a photo that might be guilty of ruining Typhoon’s reputation.

No one needs to see this, Hu-Dad, so stop it.
No one needs to see this, Hu-Dad, so stop it.

Maybe he made a New Year’s Resolution, a pledge to change his bad boy ways. Nah, we doubt it, but he was quite helpful picking up litter on the trail this week. Let’s call it his annual good deed.

Yes, I did pick up litter. So what?
Yes, I did pick up litter. So what?


  1. HokiePack on January 10, 2020 at 10:00 am

    He even looks like he got caught doing something wrong! Love you Ty

  2. Debbie and Ruby on January 10, 2020 at 8:36 am

    Wish I could get Ruby to pick up trash when we go for walks in our park!! You are a good boy for sure. Have a fun weekend.

  3. Juno's mom on January 10, 2020 at 8:28 am

    Typhoon the environmentalist. What a good boy!

  4. Jean Burkhardt on January 10, 2020 at 7:14 am

    Typhoon-under that TOUGH exterior beats a heart of gold(but I won’ tell). My day too started with a chuckle. Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. tammy j on January 10, 2020 at 5:10 am

    OMG! you started my morning with a huge laugh!
    sending you love little Typhoon. keep up the good work. we need you out there.
    just don’t swallow it! xoxo

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