11-Year-Old Excuses

Did you miss us? Hu-Dad is claiming 11-year-old excuses, as in a human of that age made him too tired to post our stories.

Exercising the Hu-Dad, whether he needs it or not.
Exercising the Hu-Dad, whether he wants it or not.

Thanks for the notes and emails of concern. We apologize for missing posting last Thursday and Friday. We had just planned on taking Christmas Day off posting, but the Hu-Dad claimed a certain 11-year-old wore him out and he didn’t have the energy to create our posts. No, no, not Frankie, who has lived at Chez Herd (now Chez Herd By The Sea) for over eight years and is probably eleven. Super Nephew, an 11-year-old human boy, visited us for several days last week.

Our morning... and afternoon... walks continued without interruption.
Our morning… and afternoon… walks continued without interruption. We made sure.

Don’t worry, though, we made sure the Hu-Dad didn’t sleep late despite the long bike rides, entertaining chats, and endless board games with the small human. We took off on our before sunrise walks every single day after waking the Hu-Dad with our musical abilities. You should have heard how appreciative he was! Imagine, he might have slept into the morning without our help.

Don't worry. Typhoon walked backward part of the time too.
Don’t worry. Typhoon walked backward part of the time too.


  1. Cheryl on December 30, 2019 at 8:17 pm

    Those 11 year olds are really good at tiring out their Aunts & Uncles!! Glad you all had a nice break for Christmas!!!

  2. Liz Neimeier on December 30, 2019 at 12:31 pm

    I enjoy your posts and the “Herd” so much. Thanks and Happy New Year to all.

  3. Debbie and Ruby on December 30, 2019 at 8:22 am

    I also thought you were taking a few days off and was not concerned. Glad to see everyone got their happy walks in.

  4. Jean B Burkhardt on December 30, 2019 at 6:57 am

    Hu-Dad-I actually thought you were taking a LONG (well deserved) holiday. IF I didn’t see a post today I would have been worried. I guess the HERD made sure though that NO REST was had by Hu-Dad??? Gotta love the backwards walking by Typhoon! How BORING life would be without the antics of the dogs!!!

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