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Sunday afternoon’s rains stopped before sunset giving us a chance for an evening walk just in time for the Oyster Landing High Tide.
Miss Cheesy, as she often does in the afternoon, opted for a shorter walk leaving the restless boys to go on their own longer walk. We opted to head for the nearby Oyster Landing and discovered even the fishermen had avoided the weather. We had the landing all to ourselves…except for all of the water from a high tide.
When told to head back home, Roscoe suggested we take a shortcut home through the marsh. Typhoon insisted that his royal feety-feet had to stay dry. You can see the debate in the next photo.
For once, Hu-Dad agreed with Typhoon and we took the dry route home.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Typhoon, Maddox understands your wet feety-feet concerns. He does not like to get on wet grass (but tromp through the river? that’s fine!).
Such a pretty area to walk in. Nobody wants wet feet, I agree with Typhoon.
I vote with Typhoon-dry feety’s are more comfy than wet ones!! Glad u took the dry route Hu-Dad!!
Lucky Boys!
Scenery looks great…I’d love to be there now! It’s FREEZING HERE !!!