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The old Chez Herd has already seen multiple snows and frigid temperatures, but here at Chez Herd By The Sea, it is the middle of autumn.
Areas around our old house and many of you out there are already deep into winter even though it doesn’t officially start for another couple of weeks. Here, though, the leaves are just now really turning their brilliant colors and falling to the ground. Notice that our walking trail is covered in leaves right now.
Many of you have asked if we miss the snow, but we canines live in the moment. We love hanging out with our siblings and humans no matter what the weather. The humans, however, seem to be quite happy with lows in the 40’s and, on a really frigid day, high 30’s.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Have a great weekend, even if you walk backwards. Typhoon is always so cute.
I always think of Rusty-roo when I see Typhoon do that.
We think the Rooster whispers in Typhoon’s ear a lot. So does Queen Natasha the Evil. That makes for his crazy personality.
Gotta LOVE that Typhoon and his walking backwards. That will never change no matter where he goes. He is a stinker but a VERY cute one. Have a great weekend all!