Instigating The Instigator

A moment of innocence between a pair of brothers captured on film revealed the treachory underneath—instigating the instigator.

Typhoon and Roscoe - the image of brotherly innocence.
Typhoon and Roscoe – the image of brotherly innocence.

Rains were moving in across the marsh, so Hu-Dad suggested we go outside for a mid-day bathroom break a little earlier than normal. And, since bad weather was coming, he asked to behave and get our business done quickly. Which one of us could possibly cause problems?

Roscoe doing a perfectly innocent stretch that just happens to get close to Typhoon.
Roscoe doing a perfectly innocent stretch that just happens to get close to Typhoon.

Any parent of siblings knows the “he’s on my side” debate and the inevitable competitive matches that follow. So when Hu-Dad suggested to Roscoe that he might be instigating the instigator, Roscoe maintained his total innocence.

Who? Me? Try to stir up trouble with my brother?
Who? Me? Try to stir up trouble with my brother?


  1. Debbie and Ruby on December 2, 2019 at 2:49 pm

    Nothing more adorable then the Husky innocent look.

  2. Jean Burkhardt on December 2, 2019 at 7:27 am

    Lori-I was just going to ask the same question??? They DO look SO innocent though!!!!

  3. Lori & Izzy Belle Bear on December 2, 2019 at 7:06 am

    That was a beautiful stretch Roscoe! Did your bro Typhoon take the bait???

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