Cheesewhiz Walks

Last Friday, we shared a post about the boys out on a walk by themselves and received lots of question about when Cheesewhiz walks.

The boys out for their walk last week.
The boys out for their walk last week.

Miss Cheoah is approaching her 14th birthday this December, so she is certainly the most senior of The Herd at the moment. As has always happened in our family, seniors get to make a lot of their own decisions including whether she joins us for walks. Right now, Miss Cheesy tends to join us for our morning walk, but then prefers a shorter afternoon walk and letting her brothers go on their own.

Miss Cheesy leading the way on the morning walk.
Miss Cheesy leading the way on the morning walk.

The morning walk is a solid two miles at a steady pace, so it is no light-weight walk, and she tends to lead the pack throughout the walk. But her afternoon walk is typically less than a mile, long enough for her, but not long enough to wear off the extra energy that the younger boys have.

Come on, boys, keep up with the Cheese.
Come on, boys, keep up with the Cheese.


  1. chris on August 20, 2019 at 10:57 am

    Wow you sure get your exercise. I thought I was doing good but I don’t think I do 2 miles and 1 mile later. I think I will have to find out how far I actually go. Thanks for motivating me.

  2. Zoe on August 19, 2019 at 4:44 pm

    The Queen rules the pack

  3. Jean B Burkhardt on August 19, 2019 at 11:02 am

    Great job Cheesewhiz!!! You may not need as much walking time BUT when you do-LOOK OUT brothers!!

  4. Debbie and Ruby on August 19, 2019 at 10:45 am

    The Redhead leads the pack.. Glad to see she is doing so well. Keep walking big girl.

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