Arty Boom Boom

While the backstory behind these images might be somewhat mundane, Hu-Dad used the evening light to capture some Arty Boom Boom Photographs.

Quite the arty Boom Boom moment.
Quite the arty Boom Boom moment.

Hu-Dad became suspicious of a prowling predator surfing the kitchen counters, but Landon wanted to express his total innocence by jumping up on the couch and looking, well, innocent. The fact that his sister was sleeping and his brothers were in the study narrowed the potential suspect pool dramatically, but the Boom continued to say that no actual mischief was observed.

Would this face cause problems in the house?
Would this face cause problems in the house?

The evidence of guilt, however, mounted with the paw prints, fur samples, and crumbs in whiskers, so Landon decided to change the subject in the best way possible.

It's beautiful outside. Let's go for a walk rather than focus on who misbehaved in the house.
It’s beautiful outside. Let’s go for a walk rather than focus on who misbehaved in the house.


  1. tammy j on July 11, 2019 at 8:56 am

    LOL!!! a guy can’t help it!

  2. Lori & Izzy Belle Bear on July 11, 2019 at 7:34 am

    I see the epitome of innocence sitting on that comfy couch!

  3. Edith Chase on July 11, 2019 at 7:13 am

    I don’t see any photographic evidence of wrongdoing. If there is no spit, then you must acquit.

  4. Jean Burkhardt on July 11, 2019 at 7:12 am

    Oh Boom Boom aka Landon aka the counter thief, lol. You do have the most innocent and handsome face. Plus you Do know how to make Hu-Dad forget your transgressions(maybe)!!

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