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With so many sleeping choices, how is Frankie Suave missing the bed? Life is certainly difficult around Chez Herd with such problems.
Three blankets, two beds and a crate populate our Hu-Dad’s study and yet they are often unoccupied. At least Frankie was in the general vicinity of a bed because Typhoon was in his cave under the desk without a bed in sight.
Hu-Dad asked why no one chose to use the provided beds. Frankie’s answer sums things up.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
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This is too funny. Sometimes you just have your favorite spot for bedtime or naps. The first photo you are just too cute in doggie dreamland. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
Juno sleeps under my bed at night and on tile for naps during the day. Cooler is sure preferred by such insulated kids.
Hu-Dad today’s post is SO funny. Our boy sometimes chooses to sleep like Typhoon-on the nice cold floor OR like Frankie-using a little part of the bed-lol They keep us in smiles-for sure!