The Mysterious Case Of The Green Paws

A mystery unfolded around Chez Herd yesterday, but Hu-Dad zeroed in on a suspect quickly. Let’s call it the Mysterious Case of the Green Paws.

How does Hu-Dad figure these things out?
How does Hu-Dad figure these things out?

After a weekend of torrential rains and a couple of days of cool sunshine, the grass inside Sibe Quentin grew quickly. Hu-Dad cranked up the mower and cut our grass. Something about making sure the rabbits weren’t too well hidden when he let’s us outside. But somepup insisted on following the Hu-Dad around the yard as he mowed, keeping a close eye on his work.

He says he caught me red-pawed. Well, er, green-pawed.
He says he caught me red-pawed. Well, er, green-pawed.

Hu-Dad pointed out to that pup that his involvement was obvious. The evidence was clear. And that fresh cut grass and white fur tend to highlight—or greenlight—the perpetrator.

How did he know it was me?
How did he know it was me?


  1. Lori & Izzy Belle Bear on May 16, 2019 at 9:22 am

    Aw sweetie pie you were just trying to help the hu-Dad weren’t you! Just keeping a close eye on his safety ❤️

  2. Debbie and Ruby on May 16, 2019 at 7:51 am

    Love the Green Paw Caper!

  3. tammy j on May 16, 2019 at 7:48 am

    how could anyone think of Green Paws as a culprit???
    he just can’t help being adorable!
    he’s just ‘assisting you’ Dad!

  4. Jean Burkhardt on May 16, 2019 at 5:34 am

    This was hilarious-GREEN Paws-he’s CAUGHT!!! Look at that guilty face-lol. I wonder what the attraction is about following Hu-Dad around while he mows the grass? Maybe that a rabbit might be hiding under that high grass? I guess we’ll never know.

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