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Typhoon, much to his dismay, has found himself the center of attention of his two little brothers as they spend time poking a hornet’s nest.
Typhoon loves being the grumble bunny of The Herd, always complaining about the unfairness of something. Humans insist on touching him and, now, his little brothers have become intrigued with him.
What makes all of this classic is how much of a pest Typhoon has been to his older siblings and now he is the target so often. Who looks happy in the next photo and who doesn’t?
Roscoe, of course, is also the master of innocence. When Hu-Dad asked him what he was doing, this was the response?
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
Mom ‘n Ebby say: Isn’t that kind of the definition of “Divine Retribution”? Stop and think back, Ty ……….
photos capture the characters very well!
Cheoah must be laying on the coach laughing her tail off. Or Frankie is screaming “Vengeance is mine!”
What a cast of lovable characters!
Oh my… the instigator is being instigated!!! Well done Roscoe ????????
Poor Typhoon-I guess he is finding out what it’s like to have a younger pesky sibling! Roscoe IS the face of innocence and yes that paw-lol