Sleepy Spring Weather

A stretch of beautiful, sunshine-filled days are perfect sleepy spring weather and our Little Prince was caught stretching and yawning by the photographer.

A big yawn and stretch after napping in our sleepy spring weather
A big yawn and stretch after napping in our sleepy spring weather

We are being blessed with near-perfect weather this week—clear blue skies with long-range visibility, cool but not cold temperatures, gentle breezes, and lots of sunshine. It’s hard for anyone, human or canine, not to think of long naps outside.

That breeze feels so good on my furs.
That breeze feels so good on my furs.

Typhoon would like to point out that his pictures may look sleepy, but at least he was up and about—unlike his brothers and sisters who kept napping.

Glassy-eyed, but awake which is more than everyone else.
Glassy-eyed, but awake which is more than everyone else.


  1. Juno's mom on April 30, 2019 at 10:23 am

    If I look at him long enough, I’ll want a nap. 😀

  2. Debbie and Ruby on April 30, 2019 at 8:20 am

    Happy Huskies sleeping in the sun with a breeze, a fun day indeed.

  3. Jean Burkhardt on April 30, 2019 at 5:52 am

    Wow Typhoon-I guess YOU are the only one who decided to get up from a nap!! Enjoy those nice breezes while the rest of the herd sleeps.

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