A Brief Moment Of Boom

Landon sees no reason to walk when running can be so much more fun, but we successfully captured a moment of Boom to share with you.

Landon (aka, Boom Boom) racing through the yard.
Landon (aka, Boom Boom) racing through the yard.

Landon bounces, zooms and clatters his way from place to place around Chez Herd, so it is a challenge to get him standing still for a few moments. Somehow, though, the Hu-Dad managed the difficult task.

Did you want something, Hu-Dad?
Did you want something, Hu-Dad?

Yes, Boomie, the readers wanted to see you clearly, not just as a blur speeding through the day. So thanks for pausing and visiting for a little bit.

Fine, fine, enjoy this moment of Boom.
Fine, fine, enjoy this moment of Boom.

Everyone appreciates the time to appreciate just how badly you are blowing coat, too, so we are glad you hit pause.

Gotta jet. Have places to bounce to.
Gotta jet. Have places to bounce to.

Movie Memory Monday

No, Boom Boom hasn’t slowed down a bit. Here is a video from a couple of years ago showing his frantic energy level. Hope you can keep up with the Fountain of Youth.

Fountain of Youth
Click the image above to visit this week’s Movie Memory Monday


  1. Jan on April 29, 2019 at 2:43 pm

    If you could bottle that energy. I’ll take a gallon.

  2. Laura Yager on April 29, 2019 at 1:33 pm

    I can’t believe Landon is still enough to blow his coat! We call it “floofing”. We have all hard surfaces, with a few “area rugs” of Husky and Shepherd hair. Not to mention their 3 Cat siblings. Boomie, I’m glad you still have such exuberance for life. Bouncing is much more fun than sauntering about. We were reminded who the Boss is in Movie Monday…keep that in mind Boom Boom as you skim over the grass, flying through Chez Herd…????

  3. Linda Price on April 29, 2019 at 1:09 pm

    Such lovely creatures! But the hair!!! I have 3 cats (and a dog) that shed enough, I can’t imagine the daily job of SIX dogs & their fur. You two are very special people 🙂

  4. 24 Paws of Love on April 29, 2019 at 1:09 pm

    Love that tail!

  5. Jean Burkhardt on April 29, 2019 at 5:51 am

    Gotta LOVE Landon AKA Boom Boom and his energy. Good job Hu-Dad capturing him being still for a few frames!! I watched the Movie Monday-Fountain of Youth- and it seems Landon hasn’t lost any of that energy since then and laughed at when Miss Cheoah seemed to say as she barked-“Stay OUT of my basement”!! Awesome.

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