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Boom Boom is acting out the “Three Little Pigs” as he refuses to allow anyone to remove the “hair on my chinny chin chin.”
As so often happens, Hu-Dad thinks he knows the story when he takes a photograph, but then he notices something that changes everything. In this case, a simple photograph of the two brothers watching wildlife wander past the study window morphed when a detail can into view.
Yes, Landon had a Siberian tumbleweed stuck to his lower jaw. It dangled and bounced and generally amused the Hu-Dad as he focused and took a number of pictures.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
Funny ha ha. But seriously he looks rather silly with that fluff of hair just hanging there lol.
Too funny and too cute! For some reason I stopped getting your daily emails. Can I resubscribe please?
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So glad you 5 give us a laugh a day!! Thanks
TOO funny Boom Boom-that tuft of hair makes us want to just “remove it”-lol Hu-Dad caught those photos very nicely!