Sunny Sleepy Sibe Syndrome

With spring fully upon us, we have the sunny sleepy Sibe syndrome in full force here, as evidenced by Landon’s lack of morning movement.

Sunny sleepy Sibe syndrome
Sunny sleepy Sibe syndrome

Landon is watching the sun rise over Sibe Quentin. Yes, the rabbits in the field beyond the fence probably have his attention, but they are well outside the area we can reach.

Such a great view early in the morning.
Such a great view early in the morning.

You may recognize that this is the same pose demonstrated by Frankie in our Snooter-Rest 2019 post earlier this week. It’s a great way to keep your head up even if your eyes drift close.

Shhhhh. Someone may be slipping off to the first nap of the day.
Shhhhh. Someone may be slipping off to the first nap of the day.


  1. Lori & Izzy Belle Bear on April 17, 2019 at 9:07 am

    That wonderfully warm Spring sun will do that to ya, Landon… make those eyelids heavy ❤️????

  2. Jean Burkhardt on April 17, 2019 at 5:35 am

    What a great life is had by all in Sibe Quentin! A place to rest the snooter while just snoozing and watching the rabbits!! You look SO happy Landon just watching the sun come up as you drift into a lovely nap!

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