Cold Days, But A Sunny Suave

Typical April weather with a string of warm days, a wave of violent thunderstorms, and then some frosty days—but we still had a sunny suave.

A sunny suave - Frankie Suave napping in the sun.
A sunny suave – Frankie Suave napping in the sun.

Our dog decks face east and so capture the morning sun. For the last several days, we have enjoyed the shade in the afternoon warmth, but our temperatures dropped back below freezing. Frankie found the morning sun perfect for his morning nap.

Roscoe squeezing what sun is left.
Roscoe squeezing what sun is left.

After the sun had risen through the morning, the stretch of sunshine on the deck became quite narrow. Frankie surrendered the spot to his little brother, Roscoe, who did his best to capture what sun was left.

Very little sun left to warm Roscoe's back.
Very little sun left to warm Roscoe’s back.

And where was Frankie Suave after he yielded his porch to the youngster? The only place a suave dog would consider to be appropriate.

Let them have sunshine. I have the couch.
Let them have sunshine. I have the couch.


  1. Lori & Izzy Belle Bear on April 16, 2019 at 8:45 am

    Frankie Suave, you really know all the comforts of home ????

  2. Debbie and Ruby on April 16, 2019 at 7:16 am

    Smart move Frankie – the couch is so much softer than the wooden deck, that is after the sun is gone.

  3. Jean Burkhardt on April 16, 2019 at 5:35 am

    Frankie-you ARE suave-getting the nice warm morning sun and then “Letting” Roscoe have what’s left THEN going to the nice comfy couch!! Smart boy.

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