Siberian Selective Deafness

Today we dwell deep into science to explain the causes of Siberian Selective Deafness as demonstrated by our model, Little Prince Typhoon Phooey.

I can't hear you.
I can’t hear you.

Selective Deafness affects a number of canine breeds but none quite as severely as Siberian Huskies, thus the specific diagnosis of Siberian Selective Deafness. This acute disorder occurs most often when the dog is having fun and the human wishes to reduce the pleasure the canine is having. At those moments, the dog simply can not hear a single command from the human.

Certain sounds, however, pierce the deafness easily. Say the opening of a treat jar. Unwrapping of a slice of cheese. Or the jingling of car keys.

Nope. Still can't hear you.
Nope. Still can’t hear you.

As demonstrated by our model, the cause of the issue has been detected. At the most inopportune times, the Siberian Husky simply loses its ears. They can’t be found. They disappear. They only regrow when it benefits the Siberian Husky.

Next, we will explore the causes of Siberian Selective Blindness.

Now I can't hear you OR see you.
Now I can’t hear you OR see you.


  1. Rose on March 3, 2019 at 12:54 pm

    This was spot on! My princess Khali is the one that has this very disorder. When it’s time to come in from smelling the air outside, to going up to bed at the end of a long busy human day! No treats or cheese but LOTS of hugs and kisses when she does finally decide to hear the command! Keep the stories coming, love them all!!

  2. Debbie Hallenbeck on March 2, 2019 at 6:09 pm

    Always can hear that old cheese wrapper being opened!!

  3. jan on March 2, 2019 at 4:28 pm

    No human words should interfere with canine fun.

  4. Kathleen on March 2, 2019 at 2:21 pm

    A friend of mine had his youngest Great Pyrenees tested for deafness when he was a puppy. Turns out the dog has extremely selective hearing! Or maybe was at that teenage stage when they just don’t listen to their parents! Having grown up with Sibes (his parents always had at least two), my friend laughed it off!

  5. Koda Hazel and Sue VerSchneider on March 2, 2019 at 10:34 am

    And I think if a hound lives 24/7 with a Siberian this effect is caught like the flu. The hound aka Hazel says her lack of hearing is due to her flap style ears the sound doesn’t seep thru them. (????).
    Koda says he knows nothing of this hearing loss or SSD that’s being discussed. He says he has Siberian he hears perfectly fine. And that the low voice commands that mom must be saying can’t be heard be an elephant even. (????).
    And another thing Koda and Hazel say are that food wrappers, keys and back doors are extremely loud ear piercing sounds. It’s much like a police car siren ???? behind you, you stop abruptly from what you’re doing to take notice.

  6. Juno's mom on March 2, 2019 at 10:02 am

    Good one Hu-Dad! We can all relate. That trait and the inclination for them to take themselves on a run, sums up the husky.

  7. Jean Burkhardt on March 2, 2019 at 6:07 am

    Oh Hu-Dad-you hit it right on the nose(or ears and eyes as it were)! It IS funny as Typhoon Phooey demonstrates that giving them a command to stop or whatever-NOTHING but TRY to quietly open a piece of cheese or jar of treats and VIOLA-a dog appears! Once again-this post brought a smile to my face on a very dreary rainy Saturday! Thanks so much Hu-Dad and model Little Prince Typhoon Phooey!

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