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As Typhoon trains his newest little brother in hunting techniques around Chez Herd, he insists on a tight formation from his student.
Typhoon has always been the lone wolf of The Herd, never caring to have a close buddy. But he and Roscoe continue to hit it off and can often be found hunting voles or rabbits in the yard together. Roscoe does maintain a respectful student pose at all times.
When hunting, though, sometimes your mind can become distracted and you close that respectful gap just a little too much.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Mom ‘n Ebby say: Typhoon always seemed to be the “odd Sibe out”, while the others all appeared to have their “soul mate”. Me’n Ebby are both happy that at last, it would appear that Ty has found his “SiberMate”.
I think the Prince has found his Jester! These 2 look like they’re made from the same mold. I think Typhoon has met his match…good work Roscoe❤????
This is trouble. His Haughtiness is planning world domination with his apprentice.
It looks like Roscoe was meant to be a member of the Herd.
Brothers in Arms!
Roscoe and Typhoon make a great team!
It warms my heart to see such a close bond between Typhoon and Roscoe. Especially since Typhoon was always as you said Hu-Dad-the lone wolf of the group. Roscoe seems to be such a great student Typhoon-you are an awesome teacher!!