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After yesterday’s post, several readers asked where the fourth brother was. The answer is that the camera wasn’t focused on the hidden napping spot.
Hu-Dad’s study has a single crate in it, a place for various training purposes. But it is also the most coveted spot in the study and everyone takes a turn claiming it. Landon has it above.
Cheoah claims it every now and then, but she mostly prefers her couch in the den. Frankie has also discovered the pleasure of the couch and hangs outside whenever it was warm. But, yesterday, when the boys were being shown sprawled in the study floor and everyone asked where Roscoe was, the answer was…
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Charlee: “There’s nothing like a hidden napping spot where nobody can find you and wake you up and bug you and chase you.”
Chaplin: “Charlee … Do you have hidden napping spots I don’t know about?”
Charlee: “Of course not.”
Roscoe is snug as a bug.
There you are Roscoe!!! You got the prime sleeping spot!
Oh he’s just so cute
I was guessing he was under your desk. Didn’t know about the coveted crate. Is it the squishy bed they want?
Crates are popular even when no bed is in them. Just the comforting nature of them is appealing.
Nice soft bed to sleep on, can’t ask for anything more while Hu-Dad works.
Love the famous husky curl as Typhoon shows it and then Roscoe has HIS turn in that nice comfy bed in the crate! Love these pictures again today!