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We are ready to go to bed, but our Hu-Dad was busy in his study all day and is just now wrapping things up. Pity us as we are waiting on our slow Hu-Dad.
The good news is our Hu-Dad works from home, so he is almost always here with us in case we need the door opened or snacks served or bellies rubbed. Not that we are spoiled or anything like that.
The problem is that he may always be home, but that also means the work is always right there. Some days, he works into the evenings while we are left waiting for the “commute” from the study to the bedroom.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
I’m late to read this, hopefully you get notifications when someone comments on these 😛 Leena is the exact same way with my “commute” home from downstairs to upstairs after work!
Poor babies! While you’re bemoaning your “commute”, my Herd thinks you have it easy. After all, my Sibes, and their Shepherd bro, have to walk up stairs to get to bed! The horror! 12 steps. TWELVE! So, while you certainly have fallen upon ruff times, remember those less fortunate! May your commute be quick and peaceful. Ignore those who walk recklessly, or cut you off….
Best commute yet!
…no signs of “road rage” on that commute!!!
Looks like Typhoon has taken some blanket-fluffing lessons from his big bro Frankie! He looks all snuggly and warm ????
The best part is – because Hu-Dad works so hard The Herd gets lots of special treats and vacations.
I am telling you-The Thundering Herd has a VERY RUFF life!! I know it hard when Hu-Dad works later than usual but I’m sure soon after these pictures were taken-all sibes were all cozy in the bedroom!