Right Behind You

That slippery Hu-Dad has disappeared again and Roscoe is busy searching for him. Don’t worry, Roscoe, he’s right behind you the whole time.

Where is the Hu-Dad?
Where is the Hu-Dad?

After a rousing game of tag with Typhoon in the yard, Roscoe came to the deck and started searching through the sliding glass door for the Hu-Dad. He knew he was inside the house somewhere—just positive of it—but couldn’t find him.

Looking all the way through the house to the study.
Looking all the way through the house to the study.

When the Hu-Dad made some noise and told Roscoe, “Right behind you,” a reproachful look was fired in answer.

Why were you hiding?
Why were you hiding?


  1. Juno's mom on January 13, 2019 at 10:24 am

    Gotta watch that cheeky Hu-Dad Roscoe.

  2. tammy j on January 13, 2019 at 8:50 am

    oh my! that first reflection picture under the banner shot titled “where is the Hu-Dad”
    it’s just beautiful!
    ears and concentration on point! you can almost FEEL the expectation!
    it’s just great! what a little sweetheart he is!
    what sweethearts they ALL are! xo

  3. Debbie on January 13, 2019 at 8:14 am

    Roscoe you are so sweet with your parti-eye. Reminds me of my departed Willie.

  4. Laura Yager on January 13, 2019 at 8:05 am

    Don’t worry Roscoe…Hu Dad hasn’t let one of his Herd down. I’m so glad he added your sweet little spirit to the Herd!

  5. Jean Burkhardt on January 13, 2019 at 5:37 am

    AAWW Roscoe-since you are now a Daddy’s Boy-you want to be near the Hu-Dad-or at least see him-right? I so love the adventures of Chez Herd-each and every day!

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