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Roscoe says he is beginning to pick up on a distinct pattern that Hu-Dad sets every day for us – walk walk nap. Wonder why?
Our mornings start with a pre-dawn walk followed by breakfast and some yard time. And then we all settle into the house or on the deck for morning naps while Hu-Dad works. Even though the weather was really nice yesterday, all five of us ended up sprawled in Hu-Dad’s study and he had to step over us to get anything done. Still, he said all we did was snore.
In the afternoon, just as we are all ready to start a giant indoor wrestling match, Hu-Dad takes us for another long walk and back home for dinner. We don’t know why because then we get all sleepy and have to nap some more while he finishes his work. Roscoe says he is still trying to figure out why we walk so much, but he’s so sleepy he can’t stay awake long enough to solve it.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
What is it that Hu-Dad says?? A tired Sibe is a good Sibe?!?!?!! ????????
Synchronized naps are very important after meals. Then wrestle, nap some more then solve question!! Hugs to the Herd.
Reject the walk, indoor wrestling then figure it out!!!!
And with the periodic vacations, it’s just the ideal life. (I didn’t get the email this morning. Should I just re-subscribe?)
Just sent you an email from the website explaining what happened.
HHMM-that IS a question Roscoe BUT I’m sure you don’t mind ALL the walking and napping! But I have said it before-the Herd enjoys what all dogs would think is a paradise to be enjoyed each and every day!