Snow Slipping Away

After being gloriously buried in our favorite weather, we regret to report that our snow slipping away and leaving only lots of mud.

This angle may look like we still have snow.
This angle may look like we still have snow.

We had tons and tons of awesome snow, but our weather has turned warmed and the snow is slowly disappearing. Such is the life of being a Southern Siberian Husky.

Notice more snow outside the fence than inside.
Notice more snow outside the fence than inside.

Hu-Dad has pointed out that all of our running and playing in the snow inside Sibe Quentin made it melt faster. The snow in our lower field is still a few inches deep since not as many paws have trampled it. We do point out that the bigger problem is that the humans seem to want to remove the snow rather than just leave it.

Your plows did this, Hu-Dad.
Your plows did this, Hu-Dad.

Movie Memory Monday

If you notice His Haughtiness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey’s look in the photo above, you probably have some sort of bad dog theme song running in your head. When Hu-Dad found the perfect theme song for our little man, he had to make a video to go with it. For this week’s Movie Memory Monday, we give you the Little Prince in Charge.

Little Prince In Charge
Click on the image to be taken to this week’s Movie Memory Monday


  1. All Things Collie on December 17, 2018 at 10:17 am

    Still no snow here…but that’s ok. I’m sure there will be more than enough this Winter!

  2. Debbie on December 17, 2018 at 7:50 am

    I agree with you Typhoon, who wants a green Husky Christmas morning.

  3. Jean Burkhardt on December 17, 2018 at 5:44 am

    Typhoon shows his disdain for those HUMAN plows! Don’t worry Little Prince-more snow will be coming soon!

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