Beach Digging Lessons

Creating a hole in the sand on the beach may sound like an easy task, but Typhoon and Cheoah battle over beach digging lessons.

See, Roscoe, you dig in the sand just like this.

See, Roscoe, you dig in the sand just like this.

Typhoon isn’t accustomed to being a mentor. And his princely manners don’t really extend to getting his paws dirty in the sand. But when an expert stepped in, the Little Prince may not have been thrilled.

What do you mean I am doing it wrong?

What do you mean I am doing it wrong?

The Cheesewhiz is very comfortable digging deep holes. She pushed His Haughtiness aside and fired up her dual front paw digging machine.

This is how you dig a hole!

This is how you dig a hole!

Movie Memory Monday

This week’s Movie Memory Monday is extra special – it includes an explanation in the post about one of the many ways our Hu-Dad is crazy enough to enjoy our antics! How appropriate that the video is called Send in the Clowns!

Send In the Clowns

Click the image to visit this week’s Movie Memory Monday



  1. Juno's mom on November 26, 2018 at 12:52 pm

    Has anyone ever said that when they die they want to come back as one of your dogs? 🙂

  2. Debbie on November 26, 2018 at 6:39 am

    A true red headed Beach Babe, so of course she knows best!

  3. Jean B Burkhardt on November 26, 2018 at 5:36 am

    You go girl Cheoah-teach those boys HOW to dig a great hole!!! Roscoe has many things to learn at Chez herd-lol!

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Lost in Fur: Tech Gone Wrong

March 21, 2025

Smart tech meets shedding chaos. My newest robovac takes on four Siberian Huskies—only to get hilariously lost in an avalanche of fur.

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