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We have changed lakes during our S-RV adventures this week, but the same redheaded otter waded her way deep into the water.
We have moved into the middle of Tennessee to the shores of Percy Priest Lake just outside of Nashville. But a different lake doesn’t change the rules for our redheaded otter as we explained the other day.
While the boys were quite careful to keep their paws dry, Cheoah waded right into the water for some games. And, afterwards, she headed straight to Hu-Dad to share her fun.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Great pics…looks like everyone is having fun!
We can’t keep Big Gus and his three husky cousins out of our swimming pool. They all get in and hang out by the hottub, just like we do!
My german shepherd named Cherokee used to bite the waves. She had back problems and chiropractic and swimming helped her. She loved the water-we used to say she was part duck. Then her brother who we named Apache (we love the Native American names and culture) used to run up and down the shoreline whenever there was waves caused by a boat (we lived on a military base that only had waves caused by boats). It is so relaxing to watch your dogs enjoy the water.
She’s sure a free spirit. Good thing Typhoon isn’t a wader. 😉
As reigning Queen now, you can do as you please! After all there’s nothing better than a hug from a soaking wet Husky!
You’re just a strong, independent lady, Cheoah! Way to be precious girl. ????
is there a bit of lab or golden mixed in with the red headed otter? LOL!
you’re a singular little LOVE Cheoah! XO
YOU are the coolest Red headed Otter Cheoah!!!! So happy you are having LOTS of fun biting those waves.