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As the Hurricane (now Tropical Rainstorm) dropped its Florence rain on our heads, we griped loudly about how bored we were.
The most shocking part of the day was when Hu-Dad suggested that our evening walk might not happen just because of a little rain. Just look at our faces above as he tries to explain this. Can you imagine the horror?
By the way, we would like to congratulate Typhoon. On a rainy day when we were pestering the Hu-Dad, Typhoon managed a special feat of irritation. Hu-Dad decided to remove his bandage on his leg as the wound was finally healing. Less than a half hour later, the boy managed to split the wound open again. Notice his shiny new (pink) bandage.
Movie Memory Monday
Our walk may have been threatened last night because of a little rain, but we certainly remember a video where you got to walk with us. And, yes, we mean right in the middle of us thanks to a special camera angle. Come Walking With The Herd.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
I’d think Frankie and Ms Kiska would make an excellent pairing as well. As laid back as he is…though for some reason I’m having deja vu saying this, and thinking you have some story about why this isn’t true….
Frankie gets along with everyone, including Kiska. He has this laid back style that just works with any dog.
What makes the Typhoon / Kiska pairing so great is that Kiska is so good for Typhoon – not putting up with his junk. She just fixes that stare on him and he decides behaving is a good idea. No one other than Queen Natasha the Evil has had that impact on him.
Is Typhoon hanging with Miss Kiska permanently now?
No, but he spends a couple of hours a day with her.
Hopefully, the worst is over.
Oh Typhoon! You have to leave your little leg alone so it can heal!!!
Phew ???? I’m out of breath! That was a great walk with you guys!!
The poor herd with no walks because of a “little” rain-lol. BUT TYphoon Phooey did it again-took center stage by ripping his bandage off and opening his boo-boo. NOW you wear (again)the bright PINK bandage because you were angry at HuDad for NOT taking you out!!!
It is almost gone! Rains and wind have died down as of 4:30am Monday here in Little Switzerland. Will venture out onto Bearwallow Road and hope it is clear and open to main road in LS Rt 226A(Parkway was closed earlier on Sat. Hope the 3 miles downmtn side 226A is good til 226 intersection with MP 331 of Parkway, one way leads to Spruce Pine, NC other way down the Blue Ridge To Marion 15 miles away. We want to go to Marion, NC this morning! Hope we make it!!! Most of the leaves are still on the trees except the ones that gave up a “green top” backyard deck. Hopefully all perimeter fences are not breach!! Husky Haven reporting! PS our gang was bored too!