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Many people asked yesterday how Kiska is handling the transition without Qannik. Let’s say we are a little surprised at an unlikely friendship blossoming.
To answer the question many of you asked (and that we asked ourselves), we wondered who would migrate over to the senior porch. We realize that Cheoah is the oldest of the Juniors, but, being female, that didn’t strike us as the answer. Kiska adored Queen Natasha the Evil, but has always been partial to male dogs as her friends. Those of you who have met her know that she is quite the flirt. In fact, she has been known to throw herself at boy dogs she meets, quite literally.
So it was natural that she and Kodiak were best pals. And then Rusty. And, of course, Qannik. So we weren’t very surprised at all that she has gravitated toward a male among the Herd. We freely admit which male is a little surprising.
After a tough week, the smiles in this next photo warm our hearts. We apologize, Hu-Dad took it with his phone at sunset, so the photo is not very clear, but we think the grins come through.
Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts and well wishes. We really appreciate all of the support.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
If I remember correctly Queen Natasha had a soft spot for Typhoon as well, perhaps he is the medicine her heart will need to heal from this loss
Please know you all continue in our hearts and prayers
And here I was worried about Kiska. With the loss of her Queen last year, I thought losing Q might put her into depression. Those smiles are priceless! The pack knows when they’re going to lose a member…before we do. They each mourn differently, much like us. I know it’s been a rough week for the Herd. Seeing how well Typhoon and Kiska are doing should make us all feel better!????
What a pleasant surprise! I was worried about Kiska.
The last photo looks like a painting!
It is so neat to see a pack and how they interact. When we lost Oreo and introduced Chip. Our females loved him. Our oldest female Nala showed him the territory, how to hunt and dig. Boo taught him all the fun games of Sibes. And Ariel was the fun sister since they were closer in age. The vet that helped us the night Oreo collapsed due to cancer of the spleen told us the pack knewat least 2weeks before we did. I will never forget the morning we were taking Oreo in for surgery,he and Nala walked back to the house together. It was like they knew and they did. Our vet called us with an update on the xrays. I hate making those decisions. Our Nala was the best teacher to Chip. Her and Chip response when called by name,which is rare for a husky. I look forward to seeing this relationship grow. Hugs to all of you.
Now that’s just precious! The Little Prince and The Chief of Security! Beautiful pals!
That is so beautiful!!
They do look very happy together!!
you always start my day right. yes. even sometimes if it’s a sad one.
it’s the circle of life and the love these wondrous fur people give. and I love their smiles!
What a sweet story. I am filled with happiness and to see the smiles on Typhoon and Kiska. Also that Typhoon Phooey chose Kiska(or the other way around) to be best buds now. Hu-Dad-I LOVE the Chez Herd and I am so thankful I get to see the awesome photos each and every day! I know Q-Tip is watching over all of you now.
Mom sez: Typhoon? Well, who’d of thought?! That’s wonderful, that she’s accepted another “buddy” so soon and so well. It may help Typhoon settle down a bit more as well. Hopefully they’ll be good for one another.