With Age Comes Wisdom & Movie Memory Monday

With age comes wisdom. That includes the experience to know when pursuit of prey would be rewarding and when it would be fruitless.

Would you look at that? With age comes wisdom

Would you look at that?

A quiet Sunday evening and Kiska and Qannik are enjoying the quiet of the senior deck. Kiska spies potential amusement wandering into the yard and points it out to Qannik.

I could chase it, but then I would have to come all the way back to the deck.

I could chase it, but then I would have to come all the way back to the deck.

Tonight was a lucky night for our visitor, especially since she opted to wander into the senior yard and not the junior yard.

I'm old enough to know better than going into that fast Typhoon's side of the yard.

I’m old enough to know better than going into that fast Typhoon’s side of the yard.

Movie Memory Monday

With Typhoon wearing a bandage this week to allow a spot to heal on his knee, we are reminded of what a poor patient he is. And to remind you, we thought we would share one of our most popular videos – Typhoon Carpool Karaoke.

Click on the image to visit this week's Movie Memory Monday.

Click on the image to visit this week’s Movie Memory Monday.


  1. JANE NIEDERSTADT on August 20, 2018 at 10:25 am

    I love to see the bunnies too. They know better to come in our yard as well. Both Bruce and Penny love to watch them. I’m not sure, but I think the bunnies are bigger than Penny. She is a miniature long hair weiner dog. She sure would try though. Bruce was singing along with Ty. He is a German Shepherd. I had a husky before him and they husky didn’t howl. He woooed. Hugs and kisses to the herd.

  2. Lori on August 20, 2018 at 8:48 am

    The true wisdom of seniors… and such beautiful music from Typhoon ????

  3. Jean B Burkhardt on August 20, 2018 at 6:01 am

    That bunny WAS smart enough to come into the senior section!!!! IF it made a mistake to go into the JUNIOR portion that bunny would be history now!!!

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