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After our recent episode with the blueberry thief, you might be surprised to hear that Hu-Dad was perfectly ok with our blackberry thief.
Most of you will not remember a previous member of The Herd, Kodiak. The Big Galoot (yes, that was his nickname) had many amazing talents including his flying leap ending on Hu-Dad every morning to start the day. But his most famous skill might have been his ability to strip blackberries from their bushes during hikes. He could easily end a hike with a belly fuller than he started.
Qannik says he is also a fan of blackberries and has learned over the years the art of plucking the berries without grabbing the thorns.
On last night’s senior walk, Q insisted that we stop while he feasted on the delicious berries. After all, the bears will strip the ripe berries as fast as possible, so a canine has to take the opportunity to eat whenever he can.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
It’s always a good day to see dear sweet Qannik!
Hu-Dad our boy has never looked for berries BUT mainly because none in our area! LOVE the way back Wednesdays and even love seeing MY comments from 2018!
I have read of Huskies that eat berries, but never had one that did. So cute to see how it is done. Love the looking back days.
So happy to see the Q-Tip again.
My Rockett loved blackberries and an occasional boysenberry when we went on our walks. He looked a lot like Typhoon and Frankie. Kodiak was with the herd when I first started following. I love reading about them every day. My Kasey looks like Qannik.
Good job raiding those luscious blackberries. Q-tip, good to see you looking fine!! Kodiak would be impressed with your skill. I saw a solid white 14-week old husky with baby blues from Cherokee now living in Florida. She is Monroe with BIG bro Tonka, a VERY talkative Alaskan malamute who loves water .
Cottonball, you get all the berries you can so pesky bears don’t get them!!
I bet they are delicious. I re-read Kodiak’s bio. Sad that he left fairly young, but it sounds like he enjoyed every day. (Something we people could learn from dogs, actually.) His submission to Rusty was cute considering Rusty’s omega status.
I never met Kodiak either but can only imagine he was as precious as all the fluffies in this Herd! Qannik you have your blackberry thievery down perfectly! Kudos beautiful fella!
I never did get to meet Kodiak but Quannik(AKA Q) has a talent he inherited from his brother as far as stripping and eating blueberries. GOOD JOB Q!!!! So glad Hu-Dad doesn’t mind you eating them along the way on your walks.