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A blueberry bandit struck Chez Herd yesterday morning. Unfortunately for the culprit, crumbs in the whiskers and blueberry breath gave him away.
During Landon’s time in rescue prior to arriving at Chez Herd, he spent some time in prison. Really, a prison. One of those programs where the inmates work with dogs for a period of time teaching them skills. As a result of that training time, Landon has a very pretty sit and down. He resorts to both when he wants something regardless of whether the human has asked for such behavior.
Hu-Dad claims Landon learned other skills from his inmate. He has the innate ability to pick any lock. He can open his crate door and wander around the house. And he can open the door from the yard into the house, quietly letting himself into the house at will.
Sunday morning, Landon quietly opened the door and waltzed into the kitchen on his way to Hu-Dad’s study where he likes to surprise the Hu-Dad with his presence. Unfortunately, he could not resist a blueberry loaf cake sitting on the counter. Hu-Dad was really looking forward to eating that cake, but only a very small amount remained when Hu-Dad came around the corner to discover Landon in the floor, cake in mouth, and crumbs and blueberries everywhere.
Bet you can smell the blueberries on his breath from there. Fortunately, blueberries are good for dogs, though Landon was on a sugar high for much of the day. Before sentencing, we should ask the convict if he has any last words.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Wow, I forgot that time, so hilarious. Do you remember when that midnight Hu-Dad swore Landon was outside howling, but then, when he woke up, realize it was into its kennel?
LOL! omgosh.
yup. that blueberry breath will do it every time. XO
Ah, the flattened ears of guilt. 😀
Love your look Boom Boom!! Cute and still a charmer.
My favorite attorney at paw comment !
Thank you it is always a pleasure to serve the Sibe Tribe
Sabo the German Shepherd
Attorney At Paw
Hu-Dad-LOVE the way back Wednesday’s!!! Landon AKA Boom Boom is SO adorable with that face that even if he was guilty-who could be angry at that face??
hello thundering herd its dennis the vizsla dog hay boom boom wen yoo destroy the evidense yoo hav got to destroy all the evidense!!! ok bye
Thought the last word would have been *BURP!* 🙂
We’ve always heard that you learn a lot of new skills in prison. Apparently Landon was a very good student. Fun post today! (Sorry about your cake.)
Sabo the German Shepherd, Attorney at Paw
Appearing on behalf of Landon (a/k/a Boom Boom)
Ladies and gentlemen and those of the Woo panel, I am here today to address the unsubstantiated and scurrilous accusations made against my Client Landon. First, allow us to examine the testimony of the previous witness Hu-dad. By his own testimony it is clear that Hu-dad did not see Landon take the cake. Now, in previous statements Hu-dad has stated that the skill known as counter surfing is a skill that is a well known known by all members of the husky breed. That being said, there are four other potential suspects to the so called theft of the blueberry loaf cake either individually Or in combination (after all while Lady Kiska may not be up to counter surfing she certainly could have another member of the tribe do her bidding and remove the cake from the counter). Now, Hu-dad has stared how smart my client is, up to and including the opening and closing of doors and crates. A dog this smart and he just lays in the floor eating .. awaiting being caught and the consequences to follow, does this sound like the same highly intelligent creature that Hu-dad describes? I think not.
As we all have been told by Hu-dad, huskies have many amazing attributes, intelligence, physical dexterity and an amazing sense of smell. Members of the Woo panel, that very sense of smell was used to save Hu-dad. Members of the Sibe Tribe did indeed smell the loaf and , due to their love and concern for Hu-dad, we’re worried for his safety, due to possible airborne contamination, the loaf was removed from the counter (and as previously stated the individual(s) cannot actually be identifier and the identity is moot in the bigger picture of this selfless act)
Upon the removal of the loaf from the counter to the floor, Landon, in an act of self sacrifice rarely witnessed in this day and time, threw himself on the loaf, disregarding the potential danger to himself, thinking only of Hu-dad and his love for him … ate the loaf af to save Hu-dad.
Woo panel, Landon has been devisated by these accusations, he can barely Boom he is so upset!!!
We ask that you rule in favor of Landon and award him two steaks, unlimited belly rubs and what other awards seem in line with making Landon whole again.
Respectfully submitted,
Sabo the German Shepherd
Attorney at Paw
Sabo, if I ever need a criminal defense, I’ll retain you!
Yes Landon those blueberries are full of healthy antioxidants! That was good thinking to load up on them ????
Uh-OH Landon-I CAN believe you ate the whole thing!!!!What sentence did Hu-Dad impose on you???? “Framed”-I DON’T think so!!! You had blueberries on your breath. You gave me a laugh to start off my day!.