Evening Security Patrols Before Bedtime

After the incursion into our field by a bear last night, our evening security patrols took on a serious note before we headed to bed.

Chief Kiska supervising evening security patrols from her porch.

Chief Kiska supervising evening security patrols from her porch.

Our Chief of Security ordered extra patrols and strong vigilance throughout the day around Chez Herd. She kept a watchful eye from security headquarters – aka, her covered porch – and barked orders at the others to make sure they kept a close watch on activity around the house.

Cheesewhiz gives her best security tough look.

Cheesewhiz gives her best security tough look.

Around Chez Herd, one sure sign that our Chief of Security has ordered an upgrade of security status is who has been ordered to perform patrols. Let’s just say certain fluffy cotton balls don’t usually work very hard.

Go patrol, she says. Harrumph.

Go patrol, she says. Harrumph.



  1. Jean B Burkhardt on July 17, 2018 at 7:42 am

    Chief Kiska-you are awesome as Chief of Security and although your “crew” doesn’t always follow orders-I THINK they respect you very much!!!! Bark On!!!

  2. Lori on July 17, 2018 at 7:23 am

    Such a vigilant security team!

  3. Mom 'n Ebby on July 17, 2018 at 5:29 am

    Mom sez: I just love the way Kiska takes charge, and issues orders, and the best part is that the rest of the Herd appears to follow her instructions, whether willingly or not may be in question, but at least they follow them.

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