Relaxing Weekend (For Us Canines)

Our humans worked on multiple projects the past couple of days which provided us a very relaxing weekend (and some exhausted humans).

Typhoon snoozing in the study.

Typhoon snoozing in the study.

Our humans had to take off for Asheville to do some errands on Saturday, but it was too ridiculously hot for us to leave our mountain. We relaxed with temperatures soaring to the mid 70’s while the humans battled high 80’s to low 90’s in Asheville. When they got home, yard work was tackled (we supervised) and Sunday led to a number of home based projects (we supervised). All in, the humans worked like crazy and we didn’t. Seems fair to us.

Hu-Dad, all of your hard work is disturbing my relaxing weekend. Can you keep it quiet?

Hu-Dad, all of your hard work is disturbing my relaxing weekend. Can you keep it quiet?

Maybe we should have felt a little guilty that the humans worked so hard, but we still didn’t take it easy on them.

You want me to look at the camera then treats need to be offered.

You want me to look at the camera then treats need to be offered.

Movie Memory Monday

The fact that the humans are working and we are snoozing explains a lot about Chez Herd, but Landon has done a video before where he explains Chez Herd so we decided to make that this week’s Movie Memory Monday.

Landon Explain Chez herd

Click the image to see this week’s Movie Memory Monday


  1. Jean B Burkhardt on July 3, 2018 at 6:08 am

    I’m glad that Chez Herd supervised over the weekend and didn’t let the humans slack off with their projects-lol!!! Also-LOVE your movie memory Landon and the way you “explained” how fun being a part of the pack is!!!! Good job!

  2. Lori on July 2, 2018 at 7:02 am

    It is wayyyyyy awesome Landon! You’re an amazing narrator in your video. And I so hope the humans didn’t disturb your restful weekend with too much noisy work!

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