Frankie Is The Perfect Suave Camper

When you are an experienced RVer, you can show how cool you are by being a suave camper – especially when your name is Frankie Suave.

Frankie Suave Camper

Frankie Suave Camper

Once the hot summer months descend on us, we park the S-RV (Siberian Recreation Vehicle) and stay at the house. After all, we rarely see even 80°F on the hottest days, so why would a group of Siberian Huskies ever leave there during the summer. Before that heat, we took one last quick S-RV trip.

Frankie always does his best to appear cool (thus his Frankie Suave nickname), and we thought he was striking his pose perfectly last night.

Enough of that, Hu-Dad, time for some sleep.

Enough of that, Hu-Dad, time for some sleep.


  1. Dave Lukosik on May 7, 2018 at 4:55 am

    Forgot to mention, Frankie is a cute boy and good editor!

  2. Dave Lukosik on May 6, 2018 at 2:15 pm

    Don’t park the S-RV yet! Just get on the Blue Ridge Parkway and come on down to the Crabtree Meadows Campground not far from Little Switzerland, NC( (MP 334). The Crabtree Meadows Campground has room for big RV’s and nice forested semi flat trails. The Falls trail loop is steep and has rock steps in the beginning(bring hiking poles!) but if you start the REVERSE way from the RV campground it is nice and flat thru the mixed forest til you get to the Falls a mile into the walk!

  3. Juno's mom on May 6, 2018 at 9:45 am

    He is such a sweetheart.

  4. Lori on May 6, 2018 at 8:21 am

    Aw Frankie you’re just so darn adorable ????

  5. HokiePack on May 6, 2018 at 7:19 am

    Now that is striking a pose!!!!!

  6. Mom 'n Ebby on May 6, 2018 at 6:58 am

    Mom & Ebby say: Frankie, you are just the “coolest” pup! You always seem to look so calm, and take everything in stride. That beautiful brown-eyed gaze just melts both our hearts every time.

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