Does Boom Boom Suffer From Walking Distractions?

Boom Boom is a little miffed that the Hu-Dad suggested he suffered from walking distractions, a severe case of not being able to focus during our walks.

What does Hu-Dad mean I suffer from walking distractions?

What does Hu-Dad mean I suffer from walking distractions?

Landon says he can be a quite serious walker and stay focused on task, but Hu-Dad suggested that might not be true. But does he have any photographic evidence of such distractions? Why, of course.

Oh, look, a squirrel.

Oh, look, a squirrel.

Unfortunately for Boom Boom’s denials, Hu-Dad has tons of photographs of Landon being distracted during walks. In fact, he might have developed some of Typhoon’s ability to walk backwards.

Do you see that dog behind us?

Do you see that dog behind us?

Sorry, but there will be no Film Friday this week. We have found that trying to load a video with campground WiFi is just too frustratingly slow. Film Friday will be back next week.


  1. Mom 'n Ebby on March 3, 2018 at 4:44 pm

    Mom says: Sounds to me like Landon and Ebby would make a good pair to try to take for a walk! (NOT). Unfortunately, she does not get enough “RUN” time, so we’ve allowed her to “zoom” back and forth from one end of her 25 ft. retractable lead to the other when we get off the street, and into fields and parks.

  2. Laura Yager on March 2, 2018 at 5:15 pm

    He’s not distracted, he’s observant! He has excellent peripheral vision! Maybe Landon sees impending danger that rest of the Herd doesn’t see….hey, I’m working like an attorney here trying to make excuses. Poor misunderstood Boom boom????

  3. KJ Pierson on March 2, 2018 at 9:00 am

    Have you ever stopped to consider that it isn’t them..but the rest of your ilk that are walking backwards?
    – Typhoon and Landon’s Spokesdog

  4. Jean Burkhardt on March 2, 2018 at 7:03 am

    HHMM-walking distractions? “What’s that Dad-lol?” PLUS learning to walk backwards-too funny!!!

  5. Lori on March 2, 2018 at 7:01 am

    I am totally focused on my… oh look! A rabbit!

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