Pondering Imponderable Thoughts

So many weighty issues on a young dog’s mind, but Boom Boom was doing his best pondering imponderable thoughts in the S-RV.

Oh, boy, another walk with my two most favorite brothers.

Oh, boy, another walk with my two most favorite brothers.

Many times, the Boom has tried to solve the mysteries of the Hu-Dad. Why oh why does he do all of the mysterious things that he does?

For example, just yesterday, Landon woke up with his usual bundle of energy, so Hu-Dad took him out for a nice, long walk. And another. And another.

And then, last night, Hu-Dad fed Landon a nice meal so that his belly was full.

And Landon wanted to celebrate such a great day with a nice wrestling match with his brothers, but all anyone wanted to do was sleep. Even Landon – just sleep.

I wish I could stay awake long enough to figure out why Hu-Dad does what he does.

I wish I could stay awake long enough to figure out why Hu-Dad does what he does.


  1. KJ Pierson on March 1, 2018 at 12:09 pm

    Landon, to quote a famous authority…

    ITS A TARP…..


  2. All Things Collie on March 1, 2018 at 8:16 am

    Humans are strange creatures.

  3. Lori on March 1, 2018 at 7:02 am

    Sweet Landon… the thought of the hu-dad are simply imponderable ????❤️

  4. Jean Burkhardt on March 1, 2018 at 6:08 am

    WE all get those days Landon-just want to SLEEP!!!! You look SO comfy!

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