Budding Bouncy Boom Boom Buddy?

After yesterday’s photograph of Landon and Typhoon standing shoulder to shoulder, a reader asked if we might have a budding Bouncy Boom Boom Buddy?

Could Typhoon be a budding Bouncy Boom Boom buddy?

Could Typhoon be a budding Bouncy Boom Boom buddy?

As most readers know, when we brought Landon into Chez Herd, we were convinced that he and Typhoon would quickly become best buddies. Of course, it didn’t turn out that way. They get along just fine, but Typhoon thinks Landon is just too bouncy and energetic (laughable considering what a crazy dog Typhoon is). And Landon prefers the company of his older brother.

So when we posted the picture of Landon and Typhoon side by side hunting tree rats, a reader asked if Typhoon was mellowing in his opinion of Landon.

Short answer? Nope. They continue to get along just fine and Hu-Dad makes a point of walking the two of them together a lot, but they will probably never be besties.

But hunting evil tree rats together? Deal.

Yes, we even switch sides during a walk to keep everyone confused.

Yes, we even switch sides during a walk to keep everyone confused.

Way Back Wednesday

Our Way Back Wednesday post is also designed to answer a reader question. We were asked how our yard didn’t have as many holes in it as others. Don’t worry, we have lots and lots of holes. Hu-Dad fills the holes along the fence regularly (even though the fence is buried a foot into the ground). Holes in the middle of the yard get covered over less frequently, though Hu-Dad does enlist the assistance of an Orange Beast. It is a scary, smoke breathing monster that levels our carefully planned divots. If you can stand the horror, we will share photos of the beast in this week’s Way Back Wednesday.

The incredible strength of the monster.

Click image to read this week’s Wayback Wednesday


  1. KJ Pierson on February 28, 2018 at 7:03 pm

    I want a big orange beast for my properties….then Leena can complain about mine 😀

  2. Sea Wolf on February 28, 2018 at 12:30 pm

    Targeted ads? The word buddy seems to have garnered some rather undesirable ones. Wondering if I’m the only one that saw those or not.

    • The Thundering Herd on February 28, 2018 at 1:21 pm

      We are so sorry that happened. We have loaded the page ourselves without spotting anything inappropriate, but we want to make sure it never happens.

      Our goal is that everything that appears on our page is family friendly, thus we already block many types of ads.

      Please send us a private message (info AT TheThunderingHerd DOT com) and we will block any offending ads.


  3. Lori on February 28, 2018 at 7:04 am

    I just love how Landon admires his big brother Frankie! And the orange beast with its evil yellow tail cracked me up!

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Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.

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